Sunday, February 5, 2012

Winter Blues.

A little known fact about me: I struggle through January and February (and sometimes even March) with the desire to not get out of bed. My energy wanes and I feel sluggish and barely-there almost constantly. So far this year hasn’t been so bad because the weather in central Illinois has been unusually mild. And by that I mean it’s wavered between the forties and the fifties in temperature for all but a few days this winter.

I’ve still had energy, but I’m not sure I’m making the most of it.

Another confession: other than my daily haiku and the occasional blog post, I’ve barely written anything--even in my private journal. Instead I find other ways to occupy my time: reorganizing my dresser drawers and all three of my desks AND my craft bureau; watching the entire series of Six Feet Under on DVD lent to me by a friend (thanks April!), reading all three books in the Hunger Games series in under seventy-two hours, and of course, sleeping in copious amounts.

Yes, this former-night owl who used to stay up until 2 or 2:30 AM every day even when she had to be up five hours later for work, has taken to going to bed at 10:30 on the dot nearly every night (just not on Saturdays, because I stay up til 1 to watch The Big Bang Theory on Fox at 12:30).

So even though physically I feel all right so far this year, I’m still procrastinating when it comes to writing. It’s not that I don’t have ideas--I have at least six separate novel plots spinning in my mind--it’s that getting myself to sit down and write them out is a lot more difficult than it used to be.

However, I know I’m going to have to just sit down and start typing very soon, or else face a life of either mediocrity or a one way ticket to the nearest mental hospital when I finally start blabbering about fictional characters that no one knows about but me, and the terrible conflicts they are battling out in my head.

And let’s face it: the latter isn’t a very pretty mental image.

Also I’m fairly certain that a strait jacket would do nothing for my pale complexion. Unless they make them in green now anyway.

But I digress.

Sometimes the battle isn’t really the cold dreary weather at all.

Sometimes…it’s just ourselves.


  1. I know a couple people with that winter syndrome, but it makes them mostly crabby. But like you, generally it makes me tired. Can't help with the motivational thing--struggling with it a bit myself. Glad you mentioned the Hunger Games. I need to read them again before the movie comes out...

    1. I definitely have moments of crabbiness with it, too, but it's mostly the tiredness and lack of motivation to do anything! Maybe we can both struggle our way past it, though. :) Would love to discuss the Hunger Games with you sometime!

  2. I generally write more on cloudy days, summer or winter, than on sunny days. When the sun shines, I want to be out running around--probably buying things I shouldn't. Anyway, get cracking on those novels. Looking forward to reading them.

    1. I like just sitting by a window when it's sunny out. It's refreshing! And watching whatever wildlife is nearby. I'll sure try! Thanks, Angela!

  3. That is so very true. It's ourselves, getting out of our own mindset and putting ourselves into the characters, the story.

    I hope you write soon, and share. I'd love to read some of your longer works.
